Between Two Worlds 実績ウォークスルー ガイド

This guide will walk you through getting all of the achievements in the game with save points for backtracking. Please note this walkthrough does not guarantee all scenes, it is meant for achievements.


◈いいえ, I am too young

Forever Young!
You said you were under 18. Go play Fall Guys!

◈はい, I am at least 18
Go speak with Hannah and Skylar

保存 1

Throw a party

Throw a party!
You decided to throw Emily a party for her birthday.

保存 2

Pick maid outfit on left

You missed a spot
You selected the maid lingerie for Hannah.

◈もちろん, あなたならできますよ
Side with Hannah
Mild Things

保存 3

◈♥♥♥ in mouth

It’s vegan, 私は誓います
You gave Hannah some protein.

Sheer Babydoll
Be nice
How about the Dominican Republic?

You completed Chapter 1.

保存 4


Thanks for the view!
You peeked at Emily’s wardrobe malfunction.

Name your game world character
I will speak with him

保存 5

◈はい, Rhaskin comes with you

She’s just the right height
Allow Rhaskin to join the party.

◈大丈夫, you can bunk with me
Attack Kesrei’s target

保存 6

Let him go

He will return, and in greater numbers
Let the man go after battle.

◈もちろん, なぜだめですか
Fire a Magic Missile
Accept the demonstration

先へ, to waffles!
You completed Chapter 2.

Keep quiet and listen
Return the book to the library
Would have come alone

保存 7


Best of both worlds
You told the girls they would be safe, but you also enjoy watching them do yoga at your place.

I would never cheat, ごめん
◈はい, 私はします
Support her

Happy Birthday Emily!
You completed Chapter 3.

保存 8

Use a sleep spell

Hush little baby, don’t say a word
You put the orcs to sleep to save the girl.

Let’s check it out

She wasn’t wicked, was she?
You took a detour and met Kisa. What is she planning to do with that stuff?

◈もちろん, 私は気にしない, let’s do this
Fill his boots with water
I will go first
Move forward one step
Move forward two steps
Move forward one step
Move forward two steps
Move forward one step
Move forward one step
Move forward two steps

Perfect temple run!
You made it through the temple traps without triggering any of them.

保存 9

I have no desire for power, only to help others

Following the path of light
You told the Goddess Alora that you have no desire for power.

Cast Ice Slick
Tell the others

Is she okay?
You completed Chapter 4.

Halloween is the best holiday

保存 10

◈頑張れ, you only live once

Stating a harem
Two may be a party, but three is definitely more fun.

Join Hannah in the shower
Be comforting
Tell her about last night
Go through both options
Call it a day

保存 11

Be honest

Honesty is the best policy
You told Emily the truth about Skylar. Hopefully she’ll appreciate that.

Continue to resist
Pick up the dagger

保存 12

Fight the urge, resist Alorine

You refused Alorine’s promises of power.


To be continued
You completed Chapter 5.

Use it now

Playing a dangerous game
You decided to use the potion immediately.

Stop and check the building

Curiosity killed the cat
You stopped to check out the abandoned shack.

Release the woman
To help you
Cure their disease
Jhoram’s healing abilities
Saddle up, cowgirl
Tell them about the ring

A girl’s best friend
You told the others about the strange ring on your finger.

Use Magic Missiles
Fennas, obeui nin! Carrui ammen na Charnyll!
◈もちろん, lead the way

The real game begins
You’re stuck Between Two Worlds

Excellent job
◈はい, お願いします
Absolutely not

Man’s best friend
Oscar was reunited with the party.


I kissed a girl and I liked it
Skylar got her first kiss.

The elf woman
The couple

What goes bump in the night?
You completed Chapter 6.

Be reassuring

Sleeping Giant
You showed mercy and spared the giant.

Let’s talk to Hannah about it

You were receptive to Bailey’s romance.

Only if you’re comfortable
Be polite and respectful
Be honest
Help the Merpeople
Just tell her
Cast Hold Person

Piracy is bad, mmmkay?
You successfully obtained the pearl for Serena.


Cherry PoppinDaddy
You removed Skylar’s barrier with your own dagger.

Spend time with Hannah
Wave her over

Meat is back on the Menu
Bailey is bad at hide and seek, but she has other natural talents.


I just want to sleep
You completed Chapter 7.

Stick together

Stay within the light
You have fully sided with Alora

Be honest
Talk to Hannah and Emily
Touch the statue

Forget grass, touch stone!
You tried to touch the statue, but Bailey beat you to it.

Fill her

Euchora cream pie
You ignored Emily and finished on your own terms

保存 13

Might as well check it out

Gotta put a ring on it
You discovered a fairy ring, finishing Chapter 8.

ロードセーブ 1

Go somewhere

House by the lake
You decided to go to the lake for Emily’s birthday.

Choose maid outfit
I don’t think so
Side with Shannon
◈♥♥♥ in mouth
Be nice
Turn away

保存 14

Skylar’s choice

Be yourself
You selected Skylar’s choice for a swimsuit.

ロードセーブ 14

Emily’s choice

Show a little skin
You selected Emily’s choice for Skylar’s swimsuit.

ロードセーブ 2

Pick nurse outfit in the middle
◈{Continue story a bit}

What’s with the needle?
You selected the nurse lingerie for Hannah.

ロードセーブ 2

Pick school girl outfit on the right
◈{Continue story a bit}

You selected the school girl lingerie for Hannah.

ロードセーブ 3

◈♥♥♥ on face

Just rub it in
You gave Hannah some lotion.

ロードセーブ 4
Let her know

Such a gentleman
You told Emily about her wardrobe malfunction.

ロードセーブ 4


What happened?
You ignored Emily’s wardrobe malfunction.

ロードセーブ 5

◈いいえ, Rhaskin stays here
The answer is still no

Wasted opportunity
Refuse to let Rhaskin join the party.

ロードセーブ 6

Kill him

Kill the man as he tries to escape.

ロードセーブ 7

◈保護, もちろん

He protec but he also attac
You used protection as the reason for the girls to do yoga at your place

ロードセーブ 7

Mostly to watch

That’s some eye candy
You admitted that you wanted to watch the girls do yoga at your place.

ロードセーブ 8

Set one of the far tents on fire

Burn it with fire!
You torched the tents to save the girl.

ロードセーブ 9

With additional power, I can do so much more

Descending into the depths
You told the Goddess Alora that you desire more power

ロードセーブ 10

I’ve changed my mind, I only want you

Only one for me
You’re a one girl kind of person, and three’s a crowd.

ロードセーブ 11

Lie to her

Lying to Emily?
You lied to Emily about Skylar. Hopefully she won’t kill you for this.

ロードセーブ 12

Set her free, join Alorine

The Price is Right
You accepted Alorine’s promises of power.

Save it for later
Stop and check the building
Break down the door
Release the woman
I was curious
Take their riches
Reyliana’s mind warping
Saddle up, cowgirl
Refuse to tell them about the ring
Use Fire Breath
Fennas, obeui nin! Carrui ammen na Charnyll!
Yell to get his attention
◈ごめん, 興味がない
I would hope so
◈いいえ, that’s okay
◈<Your choice x2>
Leave her hanging
We go where we please
Finish him off
Kill him

Wrapped around your finger
You convinced Kaylee to help corrupt your friends.

Refuse to answer
Have Kaylee distract the Queen for you
Take the pearl
Kill the Queen

Blood on your hands
You spilled the blood of an innocent.

Offer yourself
Split up

Embrace the darkness within
You have fully sided with Alorine


ロードセーブ 13

It’s probably nothing

A choice was made
You decided to ignore Hannah and someone died. Hope that won’t come back to bite you.

このガイドについて 二つの世界の間 によって書かれた 追加します. 原文はこちらからご覧いただけます リンク. このガイドに関してご不明な点がございましたら, お気軽にお問い合わせください ここ.
